
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Iran Draws Close to Nuclear Weapon

Today marks one more day that Israel is being talked about in the Wall Street Journal, and also means Iran is one day closer to getting a nuclear weapon. The top U.S. military officer, Adm. Mike Mullen, warned that the "window is closing" for preventing Iran from acquiring a nuke.

But Adm. Mullen told a Washington think tank that Iran was likely just one to three years away from successfully building a nuclear weapon, which means that the U.S. and its allies are running out of time to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear program. "Iran is very focused on developing this capability," he said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "The clock is ticking and that's why I'm as concerned as I am."

And here are the paragraphs where he mentions Israel;

He also cautioned that a possible Israeli military strike on Iran risked destabilizing the broader Middle East and triggering retaliatory Iranian attacks elsewhere in the world.

In interviews over the weekend, President Barack Obama said that his administration remained open to direct negotiations with Tehran. The president also said that the U.S. opposed any Israeli military strike on Iran, rebuffing suggestions that Vice President Joe Biden had signaled a change in administration policy when he told a television interviewer that "Israel can determine for itself" whether to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities.

Still, Adm. Mullen made clear that an Israeli strike was far more likely than an American one.
Israel has signaled that it may be preparing for a military strike on Iran. Earlier this week, an Israeli submarine believed to be carrying nuclear-tipped missiles returned to the Mediterranean after crossing the Red Sea and moving towards Iran. An Israeli official said in an interview that the maneuver was meant to show Iran that "they are not beyond our reach."

The world is growing more dangerous every single day. Unrest, wars and violence are breaking out all over the place. Now, if Jesus had told us to watch for flowers, peace, happiness and prosperity to usher in His return....I would be VERY concerned right now because things are going in the exact opposite direction. Praise God that things are going in EXACTLY the direction Jesus said they would be going....because every day that goes by Iran is one day closer to a nuke....but we followers of The Lamb are one day closer to redemption. What a day that will be!

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