
Sunday, July 12, 2009

96 Months Til Collapse

We've had all sort of sources announcing that the world is going to end or, at a very minimum, that everything is going to collapse. There is now a new source adding to the fervor....none other than Prince Charles. You remember him...he was married to Princess Diana who died in a fiery car wreck? What's interesting about this doomsayer is that he is going out on a limb and telling us that that the economy AND the environment are going to wipe out...and according to his calculations, it's going to happen in 96 months.

Delivering the annual Richard Dimbleby lecture, Charles said that without "coherent financial incentives and disincentives" we have just 96 months to avert "irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, and all that goes with it."

Now let's remember that Charles is a HUGE consumer himself who spends copious amounts of money buying anything and everything that money can buy and lavishing he and his family with every kind of luxury....but never mind that while he preaches about the ills of consumerism;

Last night the Prince said: "But for all its achievements, our consumerist society comes at an enormous cost to the Earth and we must face up to the fact that the Earth cannot afford to support it. Just as our banking sector is struggling with its debts – and paradoxically also facing calls for a return to so-called 'old-fashioned', traditional banking – so Nature's life-support systems are failing to cope with the debts we have built up there too.

"If we don't face up to this, then Nature, the biggest bank of all, could go bust. And no amount of quantitative easing will revive it."

Read the full article here;

It reminds us a little bit of Al Gore....flying his jumbo jet around the world to speak at every global warming conference while heating his 8000 square foot home using fossil fuels....but telling the world we need to quit emitting carbon.

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