
Sunday, July 12, 2009

China Laughs At Us

Let's remember to a few weeks ago when Obama sent Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner to China, to calm the nerves of the Chinese bankers. Geitner told this group of Chinese bankers and investors that the U.S. was committed to taking the necessary steps to maintain a strong dollar...and the room erupted in laughter.

Lets also remember that Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) got together a few weeks ago to discuss the trillions of U.S. debt that they collectively own and to discuss what they were going to do to control the out-of-control U.S. economy....and they didn't invite us to listen in. In fact they told us we couldn't come.

Now we have more of the same;

China has made a series of attacks on the dollar in recent months, and went as far as to question Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, about the trustworthiness of the currency on her visit to China earlier this year.

A policy paper from the governor of the People's Bank of China also laid out an alternative to the dollar in the form of a special international reserve currency administered by the International Monetary Fund.

China holds nearly $2 trillion (£1.23 trillion) of foreign debt, the bulk of which is denominated in dollars, and has expressed its displeasure at the US government's huge deficits and the Federal Reserve's monetary policy. Beijing wants the US to feel obliged to sustain the value of China's assets.

Read full article here;

Remember what the bible tells us..."The borrower will be slave to the lender."

Also remember that the bible tells us there will be some sort of global money system in the Last Days.

And finally, keep in mind that throughout all of human history, a global financial system has never been technically possible....until now.

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