
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Finally! Someone Tells the Truth

For anyone who has followed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a while, we know that the Palestinian leadership does not want true peace with Israel. Peace is just what you negotiate for as a stepping stone to rest on and then gain strength for the next step. The final goal is for the Jews to be gone and the Israeli state put to death.

And now we finally hear this truth from a Fatah official;
The panel discussion shows that in actuality, Fatah is no less firm than Hamas in seeking the goal of Israel’s destruction. Kifah Radaydeh, the deputy head of the Jerusalem chapter of Fatah, says openly that the PA will resume violence and terror against Israel when Fatah is "capable," and "according to what seems right."
"It has been said that we are negotiating for peace,” she further stated, “but our goal has never been peace. Peace is a means; the goal is Palestine."

Read article here;

I wonder if Mr. Obama and his advisers read articles like this??... Or will they always be terminally blind to reality?

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