
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Free Health Care for All!

Most wouldn't argue that something needs to be done to control out of control medical costs. But with all that's going on in the world and the debt the USA has already hardly seems like a time to roll out some grandiose plan that no one can figure out how to pay for.

But that doesn't seem to slow down the spending spree that Obama and Congress are on. But check out this paragraph;

The liberal-leaning plan lacked figures on total costs, but a House Democratic aide said the total bill would add up to about $1.5 trillion over 10 years. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private calculations. Most of the bill's costs come in the last five years after the 2012 presidential election.

The tax would raise an estimated $544 billion over 10 years.

Did you catch that? The plan would cost $1.5 trillion and the taxes they plan on raising will only collect 1/3 of that. So they plan on sticking some future generation with another $1 trillion of unpayable debt...financed at high interest rates from countries who already don't want to loan us more money. Oh yeah....and they will attempt to hide this fact from everyone until after the next presidential election. That way, Obama can try to postpone our bankruptcy until after he gets re elected.

Read full article here;

Keep praying for Obama and the very lost Congressional leaders.

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