
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our Educators

Most of us realize that the majority of public teachers are soundly in the liberal camp. They believe that's where all "smart" people belong....or if a conservative were smart enough, they too would be a liberal.

So it should come as no surprise that when the NEA (National Education Association) held their national convention last week, they pounded on conservative values.

The NEA recently held its annual convention in San Diego, California, where members voted on two issues of importance to those involved in the culture war. One of those issues was whether the union would support same-gender marriage. According to Jeralee Smith, co-founder of the Conservative Educators Caucus, the resolution passed by roughly a two-thirds majority.

The other issue was abortion, and it's obvious where their support for that topic went. Anyone who stood for conservative values was booed at the conference and one of their admin guys summed up best what they think of anyone who disagrees with their views.

During the meeting, the organization's retiring general counsel, Bob Chanin, complained that "conservative and right-wing bastards" are after the NEA and its state affiliates.

Read full article here;

Remember that anyone who is a public teacher has some of their union dues going to support this union. Also remember that you can sign a form once per year and get a refund of your union dues for the amount that went to support the political action arm of the NEA.

Is there any doubt as to the liberal pressure that is being exerted on all of America's school kids?

1 comment:

  1. and, teachers, there are other unions out there to join. Just google "Christian teacher union" and you will find a few.
