
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pay by Touch

Many of us thought it was pretty strange when Cub foods implemented a fingerprint scanner at each of it's registers. It seemed very, "Big Brother is watching" and has since been removed for a variety of reasons, some of which the posted article will explain.

The bible is clear that a system will be on planet earth in the Last Days that requires some sort of mark on your body to buy and sell. This means that cash will probably cease to be useful and that all monetary units will be denominated in one global "currency"....meaning that most of the world will be in agreement of what "1" actually means when you see it in your checkbook.

To be sure, we all know the world is trending in this way. I know people who NEVER carry a dollar in their wallet. If they want a pack of gum, they simply swipe their credit card. I will remind you that that swipe leaves a that any government agency who wants to know every thing you bought in the last year could have your VISA records pulled in a few seconds...and they could see every swipe you ever did...and know exactly WHERE you were when you swiped and exactly WHAT it was that you bought and the exact time that you bought it.

We have driven a long way from the gold and silver standards, when our paper money was actually backed by something real. Today we don't even bother with physical money at all. As we depend ever more on computers to handle our finances, we place ourselves in a precarious situation in which we are dependent on those people who run the electronic financial systems. If those people should ever gain too much power, or grow too ruthless, we may long for the days when when we had to hunt for a stamp to pay a bill, the days when the cashier accidentally dropped our pennies on the floor when handing us our change.

Read full article here;

Just to clarify the above paragraph; it's not "if" those people should ever grow too's simply a matter of when. Because the bible says that the anti-christ will be ruthless...and he will be earth's final arbiter of finances before Christ returns to set up his millennial kingdom.

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