
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Good Times Just Around the Corner!

An economist who correctly called the global financial crisis a few years ago is now saying the worst is behind us and the recession may end this year. The news of his comments made the market go up about 1.5% immediately following his comments. This guy has been referred to in the past as "Dr. Doom" because of his previous dour predictions.

U.S. stocks rose for a fourth day, the longest streak in six weeks, as economist Nouriel Roubini said the worst of the financial crisis is over and reiterated that the recession may end this year, while takeover speculation lifted commodity shares.

“The freefall of the economy has stopped,” Roubini said at a Chilean investors’ conference in New York. “There is light at the end of the tunnel. And the light at the end of the tunnel for once is not the one of an incoming train.”

Read full article here;

Allrightythen!! Let's all celebrate and, for a day at least, try and forget all the doom and gloom of Christian persecution, militant homosexual agendas, Israel attacking Iran, out of control government spending, Obamanation, out of control consumerism, famine, pestilence, increasing frequency of major earthquakes, unsustainable borrowing and radical Islam. At least the stock market is up from it's miserable lows of February!!

Simply put, if God has further plans for America, as a Christian nation, to fulfill His plans on planet earth...then we shall survive and start spending again like we never missed a beat.

On the other hand, if God is going to turn his personal attention to Israel and "the times of the Gentiles" are about over...then this could simply be what we call a "dead cat bounce" and the financial system could slam shut like a trap.

We should keep praying for this nation and it's leaders and keep our eyes focused on eternal things....and keep listening for The Last Trumpet and the voice of our Lord saying, "Come up here!"

1 comment:

  1. Halleluia, Dennis! Prayers will trigger the Holy Spirit to work in ways we can't/won't comprehend! James L.
