
Saturday, July 25, 2009

More Satan at Work

It's being reported that North Korea is now stepping up it's executions of Christians.

Human rights groups in South Korea say North Korea has stepped up executions of Christians, some of them in public.
The communist country, the world's most closed society, views religion as a major threat.
Only the founder of the country, Kim Il-sung, and his son, Kim Jong-il, may be worshipped, in mass public displays of fervour.

If you were a bible-reading Christian in North Korea you may think you are living during The Tribulation as you watch your friends be killed or imprisoned, you know millions have starved and you have man who demands that you worship him as a god.

A report by a number of South Korean groups highlights one particular case of a woman allegedly executed in public last month, in a northern town close to the Chinese border.
She was accused of distributing Bibles, spying for South Korea and the United States and helping to organise dissidents.
Her parents, husband, and children were sent to a prison camp.
Such reports are hard to verify, but North Korea is known to be intolerant of religion - it views any form of alternative social organisation as a competitor for its own, religion-like ideology.
The US government says just owning a Bible in North Korea may be a cause for torture and disappearance.

Read full article here;

Now let's ask ourselves if we would be willing to talk about Jesus and read the bible if we knew we would be tortured, raped, and killed AND your family might also be tortured, raped and killed.

It seems sad to me how many Christians I run into in America who have never shared the gospel story with ANYONE because they are too embarrassed or it makes them uncomfortable or they feel that it's not their job.

Jesus said, "Depart from me...I never knew you."

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