
Friday, July 24, 2009

Satan at Work

We have been following the news of North Korea and most of us are totally ignorant of the satanic evil that is present in this dark country. The excerpts and article below are from a defector from North Korea who is now talking of some of the atrocities he is aware of. This guy isn't just an average guy but was part of North Korea's special military forces.

He claims that they use disabled children and adults as guinea pigs to test their biological weapons.

The former military captain says it was in the early 1990s, that he watched his then commander wrestle with giving up his 12-year-old daughter who was mentally ill.
The commander, he says, initially resisted, but after mounting pressure from his military superiors, he gave in.
Im watched as the girl was taken away. She was never seen again.
One of Im's own men later gave him an eyewitness account of human-testing.
Asked to guard a secret facility on an island off North Korea's west coast, Im says the soldier saw a number of people forced into a glass chamber.
"Poisonous gas was injected in," Im says. "He watched doctors time how long it took for them to die."

The defector tells us that while the nuclear threat is real, he hopes that the world won't get so focused on illegal nukes that they totally ignore the already present threat of biological weapons.

Security analysts believe Kim oversees one of the most aggressive and robust biochemical weapons programmes in the world.
A member of the special forces' Brigade No.19, Im says he was trained on how to use biochemical weapons against the "enemy" – including how to fire them from short-range "bazooka-style" weapons.
He says such training was normal practice for all elite units.
Today it is estimated the country has accumulated a stockpile of more than 5,000 tonnes of biochemical weaponry; from mustard gas, to nerve agents such as sarin, to anthrax and cholera.

Read full article here;

When a country has total disregard for human life, we can look for the fruit of such conduct to come from the roots of Satan. We saw it come to full fruition under Hitler during the holocaust.

Lest we think we are so enlightened here in the U.S. that we would never commit such evil...I will remind you of the 40-60 million abortions that we have performed in this country in the past 30 yrs.

God's justice is coming....for North Korea, for the U.S. and for every person on earth who has not claimed the blood of the Lamb for security from this divine wrath.

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