
Friday, July 24, 2009

Jupiter Gets Hit

God's universe is enormous and incomprehensible to our small human brains. That's an every day fact, but sometimes we need to be reminded of how huge (and violent) the universe we live in really is....and how awesome and magnificent that our God really is.

That reminder happened a few days ago when Jupiter was hit with a huge chunk of space debris about 1 mile across in size. The chunk was traveling at around 100,000 miles per hour. When it collided with the planet it made a fireball about as large as planet earth.

It seems that Jupiter acts as a kind of space vacuum to protect planet earth from all these devastating chunks of space rock. Since it is about 300 times larger than planet earth, it's magnetic field pulls in most of the stuff before it hits planet earth. Thank you Jesus for creating planet Jupiter!!

So anyway, I'll post the article that was in the WSJ today talking about this amazing stuff. As I was reading this article written by a scientist, a few of his comments struck me;

Maybe Mother Nature has a sense of humor. An impact like the recent one in Jupiter happened 15 years ago, in late July, after the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet broke up into 20 pieces, each of which plunged into Jupiter, creating a dazzling display of cosmic fireworks. Scientists used to believe that these collisions took place once every few thousand years, not 15 years. So perhaps Mother Nature was just trying to show what little scientists really understand about these cosmic collisions.

Or perhaps God is trying to show mankind how little they know about ANYTHING regarding how God created our universe or how the power of Jesus keeps it all from spinning wildly out of control.

Read full article here;

Remember that God says he will, "frustrate our intelligent men and confound our wise men." He did it with the Tower of Babel and he will do it again with all of our scientists who believe they don't need God to answer anything for them.....they believe they are perfectly capable of understanding all things totally on their own.

And pride comes before the fall.

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