
Friday, July 24, 2009

Russia Calls on Israel

Anytime we have a news article that deals with Russia and is worth watching. We should not be surprised if the relations between Israel and Russia starts to weaken. Further, we should not be surprised if Russia starts becoming vocal against Israel and starts making demands....which will ultimately lead to veiled threats and finally full on threats.

Why do we say this? Because sometime in the early part of The Tribulation, Russia will be fulfilling the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and gathering a large military coalition against Israel. The bible tells us they will be coming to take Israel's wealth. So as we see all the signs building that we are on the doorstep of The Tribulation...these things should quit surprising us and instead they should start to AMAZE us! We should stand in awe of the accuracy of the bible. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

This from the Jerusalem Post;

Russia on Tuesday joined the US in saying that a building project in east Jerusalem violated the Road Map, and called on Israel to immediately halt construction.
"The settlement should be stopped immediately in line with the roadmap," AFP quoted Russian foreign ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko as saying.
On Sunday, responding to the reports that Washington had asked Israel not to build 20 housing units in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in east Jerusalem, near Mount Scopus and the National Police headquarters, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared that Israel would not bar Jews from buying apartments in east Jerusalem.

I hope you also caught that Russia was simply following up on demands that Washington has made on Israel. I will remind you again that the bible is very clear that all nations who trouble themselves with Israel will be torn to pieces. Israel is God's possession.

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