
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

United Nations at it...Again

We have all read postings on this blog that have to do with the United Nations. In a recent move by the UN Economic and Social Council, the UN body turned down the Dynamic Christian World Mission Foundation’s application for consultative status as an NGO (non-governmental organization). Consultative status would have allowed the group to attend meetings and submit written or oral statements.

The reason for the denial of the group’s request? China was protesting Dynamic’s refusal to provide the names and addresses of all their Chinese members on the basis that “religious activities are not free in China.” China objected, stating that it was disrespectful not to divulge the information.

In a surprisingly bold move, the US said blocking the group would “[be] embarrassing ourselves and embarrassing the United Nations.” He also said the committee that was supposed to facilitating the involvement of NGOs in the U.N. meetings seemed to be spending more time excluding them; some delegations were evidently trying to use the committee to silence voices with which they did not agree.

Not surprising were some of the other countries siding with China; Cuba, Egypt, Pakistan, Russia and Sudan.

Read the full article here.

UN Watch, which is itself an NGO, had this to say, “Today’s vote is a setback for religious freedom, and could set a dangerous precedent at the U.N. for repressive regimes to launch frivolous objections, or demand sensitive information, in order to subvert and obstruct the important work of civil society organizations in the areas of religion, education, and human rights.”

Read full article here,

I did some research of my own today on the United Nations’ own website. When the UN took the initial Dynamic Christian NGO vote in May, they also voted on several other groups. They approved Regards de Femmes, which based on my limited knowledge of French while reading their website, is a feminist organization who, ‘address stereotypes among boys and girls and combats violence against women. They approved the American wing of Passionists International, which, according to their own website, believe the Israelis have waged savage aggression against the Palestinians, that Capitalists have ravaged the world, and that Socialism is the only answer. See their Declaration,
They also approved the Brazilian Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Association.

Finally, in a stunning blow to Capitalism, free speech and Christianity heard around the world, the U.N. today accredited the Democracy Coalition Project (DCP), a Washington-based organization founded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

I think that if those of us who believe the UN is crucial in establishing a one-world government, the moves they made Monday should make us sit up and take notice. The denial of a Christian group that refused to put its members in harms way and the approval of a group that it outwardly working to silence dissenting voices is terrifying. Thank God it is not truly the UN that is in control.

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