
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Baby after Baby after Baby

I think I would do a great disservice to Dennis’ readers if I attempted to dissect the U.S. economy news released today. According to my sources, the numbers are still atrocious, but the media is spinning the news as uplifting. Being a financial consultant, Dennis is in a much better position to speak on such subjects.

Instead, I would like to take a moment and write about a horror occurring every day, with such nonchalance it should appall the hardest of individuals.

The headline in major publications today, “China carries out 13 million abortions a year.” Subtext, “China carries out at least 13 million abortions each year with more than a third of all pregnancies ending in termination, research has revealed.”

We have all heard stories about China’s instituted policy mandating one-child policy throughout the years. If you dig a little further, you’ll find that women and families will often choose to abort girl babies, as men can take on the family name and care for their aging parents someday.

What I found horrifying is the callousness that has popped up in the reporting and the comments made in the articles.

First, the statistics; In terms of the rate of abortions, 13 million translates to about 24 abortions for every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44. The 13 million also does not include the number of back street abortions that are still performed and the 10 million abortion-inducing drugs that are sold each year.

The China Daily, which first reported the news, said that the high number of abortions was “cause for concern.” The article spoke about women who are forced to have abortions without their consent as well.

Read that story here-

The comments made by women who have had abortions in China were what broke my heart. The article states, “The pressure of China's one-child policy, combined with government education campaigns, has also removed all social stigmas from the procedure.” This Communist country has turned the hearts of women to something that God abhors. It has truly become a human sacrifice on the altar of convenience. May God help them.

Du Yanting, 23, said: "I had an abortion three years ago. At the time, it was impossible for me to get married. My boyfriend didn't want to and we were too young. It's very common now, especially in the big cities, because we are more open-minded and there has been a change in attitude towards sex and marriage. We don't even talk about it, it's just like any other woman's problem."


Liu Juan, 36, said she had two abortions because she had already given birth to her daughter. "I had two accidents with my husband after my first pregnancy," she said, in a matter-of-fact tone. "It was quite painful the first time, but I didn't feel a mental or physical burden.”

Read that article here,

And with our new healthcare legislation that is slowly creeping towards us, abortion opponents failed in an attempt to bar insurance plans that offer abortion services from accepting customers with government subsidies. They agreed on a provision saying the government could neither require nor prohibit abortion services in insurance plans sold in the exchange.
This was after ‘Jane Roe,’ from the Roe vs. Wade abortion decision, pleaded to lawmakers that abortions not be funded by taxpayer dollars.

1 comment:

  1. So destroying a Bald Eagle egg is punishable by a fine of 250,000.00 or a 2 years in prison but kiling a baby is ok?...Woe
