
Thursday, August 13, 2009

12th Imam

We have written and spoken of the 12th Imam in the past. He is also referred to as the Mahdi. Anywho...the Shiite Muslims believe that some little kid has been hidden in a well over in Saudi Arabia for the last 1100 years by Allah...and in the last days will emerge from global chaos to set up the 13th Caliphate and rule the earth with Shariah law...and kill all those who oppose this system.

Hmmm??? Kind of sounds like what the anti-Christ might have in store for anyone who doesn't take the mark of the beast in order to buy and sell. Could it be that the long awaited return of the Mahdi will actually be the anti-Christ that the bible speaks of??

Author Joel Richardson is wondering the same thing. I first read Joel's book 3-4 years ago so have been plugged into his thinking for a while. I have his blog saved on my favorites;

Last week, the leaders of Iran held their Fifth Annual Conference on Mahdism Doctrine. For the past five years, the Iranian religious and political leaders have annually gathered together for two days in the city of Qom for what is called "The International Conference of Mahdism Doctrine," sponsored by the Bright Future Institute. The purpose of the Bright Future Institute is "to introduce Imam Mahdi to the world," to "pave the ground for his reappearance."

So what's up?? Could there really be some supernatural beings who are going to return to earth to fulfill satanic prophesies? The Mayans say that a feathered serpent god is returning in 2012, Share International says that Maitreya is returning to usher in an era of peace, and the Shiites believe the 12th Imam is soon coming. Iran is even widening their streets in Tehran so that his armies will be able to march down them in triumphant convinced are it's leaders of his return.

Ayatollah Ibrahim al Amini, professor at the Religious Learning Center at Qom, affirms Larijani, when he states that "The Mahdi will offer the religion of Islam to the Jews and Christians; if they accept it they will be spared, otherwise they will be killed."

Read full article here;

It makes me wonder if the return of some strange beings during the Tribulation will fulfill the words of Christ. "And there will be false Christs....but don't believe them. For as lighting in the east lights up the whole sky, so will the coming of the Son of Man be."

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