
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wacky Weather

As we have said in the past, we don't even bother posting all the earthquakes that are happening, otherwise we would be posting them everyday. But we will take some time today to talk about planet earth...because it seems to be "groaning" for what it will become in the Millennium when Christ sits on David's throne.

Last week, NBC Nightly news did a 10 minute special on the extreme weather happening all over the globe. Cold in the northeast like they have never seen in summer, rain where it is usually dry, coldest summer ever in the Midwest, 6 inches of rain in Kentucky in a real short period of time that led to the worst flooding ever in that state...the list's go on an on.

Now how about what is happening in Taiwan? They had over 36 inches of rain and it turned the streets into deadly rivers that collapsed the buildings and houses. They are just now getting around to looking for the dead because of mudslides and extreme flooding. Reporters will tell you that Taiwan has never experienced flooding like this.

Now in the past few days, Asia has had so many large earthquakes that they made the front page of the Wall Street Journal....and this was BEFORE today's quake in Japan made the news.

Also in the news today are hurricanes;

Hurricanes in the Atlantic are more frequent than at any time in the last 1,000 years, according to research just published in the journal Nature.

You can read that article here;

Again, when you put all these strange occurrences on top of all the other signs that are manifesting themselves, that Christ told us to watch for....even a logical person could conclude that something large is happening on planet earth....and maybe something even bigger is yet to come.

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