
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Losing Your Head for Christ

Masked men show up at your front door carrying guns and machetes. They forcibly shove you into the back of a truck and put a bag over your head. You can feel that you are being driven somewhere. The truck stops and they take you out and pull the bag off. You can see that are now standing with six other people who you recognize as members of your church. Just the previous Sunday you were all singing hymns together in worship. The masked men tell you to kneel down and since your hands are tied behind your back, you have no choice. You end up kneeling in the middle of the group with three people on your right and three on your left. A large man with a mask and large sword steps out from the kidnappers and proceeds to the end of the line. He asks your friend, "Do you renounce Jesus Christ and accept Islam and the revelations of the prophet Muhammad as the one true religion." Your friend says no, that she can't renounce Christ. With one quick swing of his sword, her head departs from her body and her body crumples to the ground.

The man now moves to the 2nd person and asks the same question. Again, he says no...he cannot renounce Christ. His head quickly leaves his body. The same thing with the person kneeling next to you. The executioner now stands behind you and asks you the same question. Your bowels feel loose. You feel faint. This has to be just HAS to be. "Am I really going to die today?", you ask yourself. So what do you say?? Are you willing to die for Christ or would you just say the Muslim's words and save your head for another day??

Do you think this sounds like a Hollywood movie? Amazingly, it just happened a few weeks ago in Somalia and such stories are being repeated all over the world as the persecution of Christ followers begins to quicken.

Chuck Missler's email report told of this;

Al-Shabaab continues to murder those who do not bow in the name of Islam. We reported in the July 28th eNews that Al-Shabaab beheaded seven Christian men on July 10th. Even before that eNews was sent, four more Christians were kidnapped on July 27th and later beheaded because they would not renounce Jesus Christ. These Christians were working to help Somali orphans, demonstrating Al-Shabaab's utter contempt for human life.

Al-Shabaab is obvioulsy a Muslim extremist group operating in Somalia. Somalia has turned into a lawless land that is being given over to Shariah (strict Islamic) law to be carried out by young, masked-men in pickups with swords and machetes.

Also, remember your history....this just didn't happen overnight. Somalia started to descend into chaos while Bill Clinton was president. He sent the U.S. military there to help keep the peace and to help the United Nations hand out food and aid.

When militants shot down a U.S. Blackhawk helicopter and proceeded to murder the pilots and drag their bodies through the streets....President Clinton IMMEDIATELY withdrew the military. This event led to the making of the blockbuster movie, BLACKHAWK DOWN.

The Muslim extremists around the world took note of this catastrophe and started realizing that the U.S. has no stomach for death and destruction of it's soldiers and equipment. If they could just kill a handful of U.S. soldiers....we would all run home like little children afraid of the bogey-man.

Sadly, they were right and had a 25 year history to prove they were right. That all ended with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Finally, we were going to stand up to the bullies and thugs riding on religious zealotry who are still responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

But how long are we willing to fight? How many men and women of the U.S. forces will we be willing to lose? How much money do we have in our national bank account to sustain this fight?

I'm glad the Lord has all these things figured out....because the task looks daunting and the bank account appears to have negative numbers in it and hemoraging fast.

Mark 8:38, "For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." The words of Jesus.

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