
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

From the Mouths of Babes

Last Friday, I sent an email to a few friends. Some suggested that I post the email to the blog, so here it is.

Subject: Bible VerseDate: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 15:27:34 -0600
I'm sitting at the office here at 4:30 on Friday paying bills and opening mail. I opened a letter from a little girl we support through Compassion International. She is 8 yrs old. She says that she prays for us everyday and prays to Jesus that she will one day get the chance to meet us. I have never written to this little girl as Julie takes that task. Anyway after telling us she is doing well in school she says, "My favorite bible verse is Psalm 73:1... "Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart."

Of all the verses in the bible, why would this little girl, whom I have never met, living half way round the world....chose a verse about Israel? How does a little Indonesian girl have any idea about Israel? How could she have any idea of my intense interest in Israel and the Jews?

She ends her letter with the words, "Shalom"....which I believe is Hebrew?

Personally, it kind of raised the hair on the back of my neck.

Again she says, "I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that one day we could meet".... I just have to wonder if that one day may be coming soon? a really big meeting in the air??...following an intense trumpet blast??

Who knows?

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