
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baraq Ubamah

In Luke 10:18, Jesus says, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven". According to this article when you look at the greek word for lightning you will find the word, "astrape". The Hebrew equivalent is the word, "baraq". That's interesting since it seems to line up with our President's name.

But it doesn't end there. The word for heaven can also be interchanged with the word, "heights" as in Isaiah 14:14. If you look up the hebrew word for heights you will find the word, "bamah".

Thus, on the video, the announcer notes, "If spoken by a Jewish rabbi today, influenced by the poetry of Isaiah, he would say these words in Hebrew ... 'I saw Satan as Baraq Ubamah.'"

Read the whole article here;

So what can we make of this? Was Jesus giving a clue to the Jews of who the Man of Perdition actually will be? I have no idea, but I do know that Thessalonians makes it very clear that the anti-christ will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit is withdrawn from the earth....which is the rapture of the church. So if this is a clue...maybe it's a clue that is meant for the Hebrews.

I do know one thing for sure; events are getting VERY strange here on planet earth. It appears that the planet is groaning with birth pangs and it is also a fact that many "sons of the light" are getting very eager to be clothed in our immortal, glorified bodies.

Come Lord Jesus!