
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Building The Temple

Let's review; there have only been two temples in Jerusalem since time began. The first was Solomon's temple which was destroyed when the Babylonians hauled the Jews off to Iraq about 600 B.C. The second temple is commonly referred to as Herod's temple and was a rebuild of Solomon's temple and was built when the Jews returned from their Babylonian exile of about 70 yrs. Please remember that it was this second temple that Jesus would have worshiped at while on earth. Also remember that the second temple was the one that Jesus pointed to and said, "Not one stone will remain standing...". His words were of course fulfilled in 70 AD when Rome destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jews to all ends of the known world.


But the pressure and desire is building to build a third one. This is huge news for prophecy watchers since the bible is very clear that the anti christ will sit in this third temple and demand to be worshiped. And this won't happen until the Tribulation....and the rapture of the church will happen BEFORE the Tribulation. So I encourage you to keep looking for Christ sudden return to snatch us (His bride) and also keep listening for the trumpet which I believe will happen seconds before we are snatched.

And progress towards the building of the third temple continues;

The Temple Institute began work on the sacrificial altar Thursday, Tisha B’av, the day the Second Temple was destroyed almost 2,000 years ago.

The Temple Institute has already built several of the Temple vessels such as the Ark and the menorah, and has now embarked on an ambitious project to build the altar, which will ultimately measure 3 meters wide by 3 meters long and 2 meters tall.

During Thursday’s ceremony, which took place in Mitzpe Yericho just east of Jerusalem, the Temple Institute laid the cornerstone for the altar and demonstrated how tar will be used to cement the stones together. The Institute plans on bringing the altar to its proper place on the Temple Mount when the Temple is rebuilt.

Read full article here;

Another interesting piece of info is the desire of the Jews. Even a few years ago I remember reading that it was only a small minority of Jews in Israel who desired a third temple to be built. Today, Joel Rosenberg is telling us that it is now a substantial majority of Jews in Israel that want a temple.

* REBUILDING THE TEMPLE? -- Both the Old and New Testaments indicate a Third Temple will be built in the last days. Cynics and skeptics abound, to be sure. But a new poll published this week finds that a stunning 64% of Israelis want to see the Jewish Temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. And it is not just religious Orthodox Jews who want to see the Third Temple built soon. Remarkably, 47% of secular Israelis want this as well, reports Only 36% of Israelis oppose the building of the Temple.

Finally remember that a few big hurtles exist for the building of the third temple....there are currently two Muslim mosques on the temple mount. When God says it's time, I am certain that a miraculous circumstance will happen that will clear the mount of these mosques and prepare the way for the third temple.

I'm wondering if the rapture of the church might provide enough of a "global circumstance" to set in motion the chain of events necessary for the soon revealed anti-christ to sign the peace agreement between the Jews and Arabs which allows the temple to be built?



  1. Good thoughts and theory, Dennis, and backed by many observations that you research. You assume a pre-tribulation rapture, which is important to understand, in case some of your readers don't, it's worth mentioning. T

  2. Israel is a nation. The Jews have returned first from the East, then from the West, next they came from the North and finally they are coming from the South in the exact order as Isaiah 43:5-6 foretells. The preparations for building the third temple are about complete. Israel is surrounded by enemies and anti-Semitism is rising all over the world. A peace plan is being brokered with those who hate the Jews and want no peace. Prophetic scripture is being fulfilled in this generation whether those who identify with Christianity acknowledge it or not.

  3. I would like to say before I comment-not that it matters but because of a comment I noticed on the article-I am not a declared Christian. I have christian roots so with that being said the prophesies foretold are almost undeniable. I am a yogin and I identify with the Absolute, meaning all-encompasing reality. When it comes down to this current juncture and the state of humanity-Things are heating up and falling in to place along all religious lines. All secrets are coming to fore and many people are starting to notice higher realities. I couldn't even understand the bible a couple years ago until I broke down. I was searching endlessly for answers all over the place and saw the poor state of the world. It took a considerable amount of tears and "whys?" to realize nothing is in a poor state, only my own mind. This is when I found God and I started understanding the higher aspects of reality. With all of the multitudes of things being said and done all over the world, one thing is undoubtedly certain-Time has come.

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    Jesus came to bring THE TRUTH so that THE TRUTH can set you free. Free from what? The lies of the Prince of the Earth. (Satan) Further Jesus clearly said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but through me." Pretty intolerant. Only faith in Christ (Confess with your tongue and believe it in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord)will allow you to enter eternity as a part of the Bride of Christ. No other man made relition (Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, etc...) will get a man into eternity with God the Father. They all lead to eternal death and hell. "Wide is the road that leads to destruction and MANY will be on it. Narrow is the road (only Christ) that leads to life and FEW will be on it." Seek Christ and accept his free gift of salvation and YE SHALL BE SAVED. Yes, I agree with you...the AGE OF GRACE is coming to an end. All of the signs of the coming GREAT TRIBULATION are manifesting at the same time...which means the rapture of the church could happen any day now. Are you ready to meet Christ? Read 1 Thessalonians to get a clear picture of Christ coming to collect His bride.

  5. 1st Temple was Solomon's Temple
    2nd Temple was Jesus Christ
    3rd Temple are all of God's people

    The temple is where the Holy Spirit of God resides.

    Lest we be ignorant of what Jesus Christ taught us. The 3rd temple is already here.

    In Jesus Name,

  6. Hi Jason,
    First Temple was Solomon's which was destroyed when Israelites were taken into captivity in Babylon.
    2nd Temple was rebuilt when they returned after 70 yrs. Read Ezra and Nehimiah. King Herod then expanded it which is why many historians refer to it as Herod's temple.
    3rd Temple is in the process of being rebuilt and the Jews in Israel have all the materials ready to do it. Go to to read of preparations. This HAS to be built as the Antichrist will one day sit in it, order that sacrifice cease and declare himself as God. Read Daniel and Matthew. This will be destroyed at Christ's 2nd coming.
    4 th Temple will be built by Jesus himself and will be here for the 1000 yr reign of Christ on earth. Read Revelation 20.

    All of this doesn't matter for salvation, so if u believe something else that you have gleaned by reading scripture, that's fine....just so you are prepared to explain to Jesus HOW you arrived at your conclusions and can show you made a sincere effort to understand what prophecy was saying.
