
Monday, August 31, 2009

Foundations of a Global Government

We know that a movement for a global government has been gathering steam. As we have posted in the past, the earth's problems are simply getting too large to solve as individual countries. We have recently seen this with the financial predicaments and global warming...both of which are shaping up to provide the foundations for a global government.

Check out some of the statements made in this article reporting on UN talks regarding climate change;

GENEVA (Reuters) - Delegates from 150 nations met in Geneva on Monday to try to plug gaps in climate information to help the world cope with global warming and threats like floods, wildfires and rising sea levels.

"What we need is a formal system that all people can trust to access vital information that can save their lives and protect property and economies," he said of the planned "Global Framework for Climate Services" to be agreed in Geneva.

Pay close attention to these statements;
Delegates said most of those taking part in the talks were scientists and big disputes were unlikely.

"There is an expectation that we are closely aligned -- everybody wins if we move forward on this," said Sherburne Abbott, associate director for environment at the White House.

We are told that everyone there is going to be a by inference we are led to understand that ALL scientists are in agreement....and only an uneducated person would dispute their findings. Also note that the White House director expects everyone to be closely aligned.

Read full article here;

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