
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hezbollah Readies for War

It's not really news that Hezbollah has re-armed itself as they KNOW there will be another war with Israel. What is interesting is that after the 2006 war with Israel, the UN sent in 12,000 troops to keep the peace and also to prevent Hezbollah from re-arming.

Even though they are unarmed, their presence deters United Nations peacekeepers from approaching the house in Khirbet Silim, preventing the UN troops from fulfilling their mission, which is to stop Hezbollah from rearming.

“The UN can’t just come around here and go into people’s houses,” said Rassan Salim, a municipal official in the village and a Hezbollah militia member. “Our weapons are to defend Lebanon.”

You can read the full article here;

If you were Israel, you would certainly understand by now that the forces of evil that want to destroy you are gathering strength. You would also understand by now that you are going to have to face them all by yourself....because the UN, Europe and soon the U.S., will not assist you in the fight and may not even come to your aid if you are attacked.

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