
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hidden Imam

Let's review again; many Shiite Muslims believe the 12th Imam is soon coming back to planet earth. Once here, he will kill all the Jews, kill all the Christians and then usher in the 13th Caliphate...which means the entire world will be under Muslim law...or their head will be chopped off. And key to this understanding is that a condition of absolute, global -chaos needs to be present on planet earth to fulfill this prophecy and hasten his coming.

Wow!! First point to mention is that their prophecy sounds an awful lot like what our bible tells us about the Anti-Christ!!

Wow!! Second point to understand is that Iranian President Ahmadinejad is a Shiite Muslim who not only firmly believes this prophecy...but goes further... and openly prays at UN meetings for his "soon return"....and goes further still to report that he is having bodily meetings with this being...AND has ordered certain streets widened in Iran so that the 12th Imam and his army can more easily enter the city...and are currently digging thousands of graves in Iran to accommodate all the non-Muslims the 12th Imam will kill on his way into the city.

Wow!! And this guy wants a nuclear bomb in the worst way!! Does that concern anybody in the Obama administration....or should we ignore that issue and focus more health care reform? Newsflash Mr. Obama;....if Iran drops a nuke on care reform will be THE LAST THING that the U.S. citizens will be concerned about.

With that as a backdrop, check out this headline and summary;

Iranian Chief of Staff Firouzabadi Writes Letter to Hidden Imam

On July 12, 2009, the Iranian news agency ISNA published a letter written by Iranian chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi to the Hidden Imam (the Shi'ite messiah, also called the Mahdi). In his letter, Firouzabadi depicts the post-election protests as a conspiracy against the Iranian regime by the West and the reformists in Iran. He also rejects accusations of Basij brutality, saying that the group did not act against the Iranian people in suppressing the protests, but rather tried to protect them. He concludes by urging the Hidden Imam to come speedily and launch a worldwide Islamic revolution.

Read the whole article here;

Mr. Obama....if you are reading this blog... I ask that you please understand these facts BEFORE you go sit and have tea with Mr. Ahmadinejad. I know you have great charisma and presence that works well on Americans, but you are not promised to have the same results on this religious zealot (and his cabinet) who is looking forward to bringing chaos to planet earth. Also, please tell President Clinton when you see him tomorrow that sitting for a photo op with Kim Jong Il, like he did a few weeks ago, will only embolden other crazy-despots to kidnap U.S. citizens. I know the journalist's and their families were incredibly happy....but at what expense to the entire planet of freedom loving, peaceful citizens?

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