
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Millions of Americans paid to see it at the it's at the video store for rent and millions more will see the movie Knowing. It stars Nicholas Cage and I rented it for $1 at my local Redbox last night.

The movie's plot (stop reading right here if you don't like to know how movies start and end) involves a strange little girl who wrote down a series of numbers 50 years ago and they had been sealed tight in a time capsule. Upon re-opening the capsule 50 years later, we come to find that the series of numbers were actually future dates and map coordinates for disasters yet to happen. And as our star finds out....every single one of them came true to the EXACT number. Even worse, he figures out that they only have a few days left until the entire world is vaporized...exactly as this little girls has predicted.

Why am I telling you all this...and what could this possibly have to do with prophecy and current events?

The answer to that question is that the movie is further proof that the world is being prepared for some kind of grand deception. And just like so many movies made in the past 5 years, this one also ends with "aliens" actually removing the children from planet earth...just before EVERYONE LEFT BEHIND is destroyed by a massive fire delivered by our own sun.

Let's assume the actual rapture of the church had happened yesterday and millions of children were missing today. Could this movie plot actually lend credibility to the belief that "aliens" actually took the children to a much safer place? Remember, satan is going to have to come up with some sort of answer for this mass disappearance of millions of adults and children. And if he uses this explanation on an audience that has recently watched the movie KNOWING...and has NO PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD....their minds may be prepared to accept such a lie.

Here's another strange piece of plot from the movie; it turns out that the strange little girl who wrote down the numbers actually died 40 years later as a strange middle aged lady. Upon examining her belongings we can see that one of her favorite pictures was an artists rendition of Ezekiel chapter 1. If you haven't read Ezekiel chapter 1 for some time, I would strongly encourage you to do so now. Let's just say it is a VERY supernatural chapter. Also, the movie looks at the bed stand and does a close up on the HOLY the audience can assume that our strange little lady was a regular bible reader with some in-depth understanding of the OT prophesies of Ezekiel.

So again we can see themes of Christianity, bible belief and OT prophecy all thrown together in tiny little bits that are sewn into the story line of this movie. Again, by doing this, it helps to confuse people who KNOW NOTHING about Ezekiel, the bible or Jesus Christ....which sadly includes most people who are sitting in the church pews across this country.

All I can say, again, is that DECEPTION IS COMING!

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