Monday, August 17, 2009


The news over the weekend (Besides Tiger Woods golfing in Chaska) was that the Arab nations are lobbying the European Union to force Israel to disclose their nuclear ambitions and/or weapons and to have them open to international monitoring.

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The Arab League has requested that the European Union back its resolution calling on Israel to submit to international monitoring of its alleged nuclear capability at next month's general assembly of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

If you missed that news, you can read it here;

What might the Arabs be up to in regards to Israel? One thing for has nothing to do with peaceful reasons. They are up to something...and I would guess that they are continuing their campaign to turn the world (even further) against the Jewish state.

If Israel is forced to "fess up" that they in fact have dozens of nuclear bombs....then the world will be want to ask the question, "Then why can't Iran make a few? And why can't Saudi Arabia?" And pretty soon, all the Arab countries would be demanding to be removed from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaties THAT THEY ALL SIGNED! If that happens, there will be an Arab nuclear arms race and the world will continue to become even more dangerous.

Let's remember that the Jews are living in a very tough neighborhood and that Hitler wiped out 1/3 of the world's Jews just 60 years ago. They have very good reasons for wanting a nuclear deterrent...and I believe that Isaiah 17 will probably be fulfilled when Israel is forced to use some nukes on Damascus...because the Arab extremists seems to be yearning for some more blood to be spilled with their Jewish neighbors.

As we are reminded...the holocaust museum says, "Never Again" on it's front entrance. Ernst David Bergmann, chairman of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (from 1954 to 1966), reflected this mindset best when he said, “There is no distinction between nuclear energy for peaceful purposes or warlike ones," and that “We [Jewish people] shall never again be led as lambs to the slaughter.”

We are pretty certain that when the Jews say "Never"....they are serious about it.


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