
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Modern Day Tower of Babel

We all remember the OT story of how men all got together and decided to build this tower. They believed that they had mastered engineering and could now build ANYTHING...including a tower that ultimately would reach into the heavens so they could be "like gods".

We know how the story ends.

Today we have scientists who are convinced they are close to mastering the building blocks of life itself. They can clone living things...they can make babies in a test tube...they can choose the sex of a baby...they can take apart DNA so that one day soon you may be able to pre-order your customized baby, complete with hair color, eye color, height and sex, already selected. If they can master a few more things.....these scientists will be "like gods".

Now check out this strange headline today in the Washington Post;

Lab Produces Monkeys With 2 Mothers

Using cloning-related techniques, the researchers developed a way to replace most of the genes in the eggs of one rhesus macaque monkey with genes from another monkey. They then fertilized the eggs with sperm, transferred the resulting embryos into animals' wombs and produced four apparently healthy offspring.

Read full article here;

I don't need to remind any of you that monkey DNA and human DNA is VERY similar....meaning that if they can already do it with monkeys, it's already possible to perform on humans. We just need to wait for society to grow more unethical and become totally void of the Fear of the it can be allowed. And sadly, that ethical decline seems to be coming like a flood.

So how much longer can we stick our finger in the eye of Almighty God before her reaches his finger down here and says, "enough!"?

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