
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ezekiel Players on Stage

Ezekiel 38 tells us that an alliance will form in the last days and that they will join with Russia and gather all their military might to go and destroy Israel and take all of Israel's wealth. If you read the whole chapter you will discover that God will confuse these armies and will fight for he used to do in the Old Testament.

Some of the players in this alliance are Turkey and Iran. Now check out this headline;

New alliance emerging in the Middle East

TEL AVIV -- Syrian President Bashar Assad's visit to Tehran last week has revealed a new regional element that has been largely ignored by Western observers. Assad's visit was officially described as a goodwill trip to congratulate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his re-election as Iran's president. But what came out following Assad's meeting with Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, was an idea for an unofficial quadripartite alliance between Syria and Iran, with Turkey and Iraq joining.

We already know that Iran, Turkey and Russia have drawn close together, so this un-holy alliance looks to be taking shape.

So how do Syria and Iraq join in this alliance? How come they aren't mentioned in Ezekiel 38 alliance?

One answer might be Psalm which they ARE mentioned. And also Isaiah 17 in which Damascus is laid waste...which is obviously the capital of Syria. Just maybe...the reason Northern Iraq and Syria aren't mentioned in Ezekiel 38 is because Israel has already dealt with them in fulfilling Psalm 83....and they really don't have much left to offer in the way of military might.

Now read what comes up at the end of this article;

Realizing the wider regional implications, Israel appears ready to co-operate with Obama's vision for Middle East peace.

Read full article here;

Obama is going to keep messing with the "apple of God's eye"....and we are all going to pay the price.

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