
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monetary Movement

We have been watching the U.S. dollar for the past few years. It is increasingly coming under fire as the rest of the world realizes how much their own fates are attached to U.S. currency....and if that currency happens to collapse....they will ALSO end up in a world of hurt.

Today this hit the Google headlines;

UPDATE: French President: Dollar Can't Remain Only Reserve Currency

The U.S. dollar's dominance of post-war global finance came under fire in July at the last gathering of leaders from the Group of Eight leading nations in L'Aquila, Italy.

Sarkozy then joined China, Russia and other emerging powers present at the meeting in calling for an end to the dollar's reign as the international currency of reference.

China in particular, which has amassed the world's biggest foreign-exchange reserves, is growing concerned that the exploding U.S. debt could threaten the stability of the dollar, and therefore its vast dollar holdings.

The French President called Wednesday for a rebalancing of the global economy, which, he said, is already under way, as the rise in the savings rate of U.S. households is likely to cut the current account deficit in the world's largest economy.

Read article here;

The global financial market definitely looked over the abyss of full collapse in the fall of has now stepped back from the abyss and is in the process of wiping it's brow and saying, "Whew!!...that was close!!"

The bible is clear that a unified currency will be taking over the world in the Last Days. So we will continue to watch what happens as the leaders of the world devise new plans that involve monetary systems.

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