
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More Pestilence Coming?

The swine flu isn't dead. It's going to ramp up again. Today the headline on ABC tells us; White House Warns of Massive Swine Flu Spread

Up to half of the population of the U.S. could come down with the swine flu and 90,000 could die this season, according to a dire report from the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

The report, which claims as many as 1.8 million people could end up in the hospital seeking treatment for the H1N1 virus, comes as government officials push drug companies to make a vaccine available next month.

Read full article here;

Even in years of the standard flu, thousands die but those that do are usually the very old or very sick. This version of flu is killing people who are are not at the outskirts of life...and that is what is concerning. Can the US economy handle all the missed work and production that will result from millions of workers staying home in bed? Only time will tell.

Obviously the bible forewarns of the Last Days and tells us the time will be marked by famines and pestilence (disease). Will this outbreak be one more wake up call to planet earth that the days are shortening....that Satan's mayhem and God's wrath are soon to be poured out in full?

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