
Monday, August 24, 2009

Showdown Coming

Today the Google headlines have news about Jerusalem front and center....AGAIN! As we have said in the past, it appears that a showdown is coming between Netanyahu and the Obama administration.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to tell the special U.S. Mideast envoy on Monday that Israel will not accept any limitations on its sovereignty over Jerusalem, and will allow settlers to continue to live in the West Bank.

Netanyahu traveled to London on Monday, where he will meet with the U.S. envoy, George Mitchell, in order to continue the discussion on the Obama administration's demands for confidence-building measures between Israel and the Arab world.

The U.S. is demanding that Israel freeze temporarily construction in the settlements, and is asking the Arab world to begin normalizing ties with Israel immediately.

Read full article here;

Now ask yourselves this; what if China (who has loaned the U.S. $800 billion) came over and told us that we can't build apartments in New Brighton....or else!

Israel is a sovereign state that can handle it's own land and zoning problems. The world is obviously believing the lies of Arab propaganda. Pressure is going to continue to grow on Israel and the nations will eventually start to "rage" against her...just as the bible says.

Let's continue to pray for the U.S. that our government will not fall in with the rest of the crowd when it comes to threatening Israel and appeasing enemies of Jews.

Let's also remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem every single day....just as our Lord commands us to.

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