
Monday, August 10, 2009

More Debt Please!

What's the first thing that most people who find themselves in credit card trouble do?? They call the credit card company and ask if they can have their credit limit increased. That way they don't have to address the root problem of overspending. They can simply shift their problems to some date in the future....and keep living for today.

So what is our Federal Government up to?

Washington -- U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner asked Congress to increase the $12.1 trillion debt limit on Friday, saying it is "critically important" that they act in the next two months.

Mr. Geithner, in a letter to U.S. lawmakers, said that the Treasury projects that the current debt limit could be reached as early mid-October. Increasing the limit is important to instilling confidence in global investors, Mr. Geithner said.

Read article here;

Let me paraphrase; "Congress? Could you please pretend we have more money in the system? If you don't come up with some pretend money, then none of the other countries will pretend with us anymore....and this whole charade is critically important if we are going to keep buying things with pretend money."

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