
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kill Til We Have Jerusalem

Yesterday we looked into who Fatah was and talked a bit about the conference they are having in Bethlehem. Even though the UN and other Western Governments want us to believe that Fatah is moderate and a party they can deal with....the statements coming from this Fatah conference are less than convincing.

"Fatah will continue to sacrifice victims until Jerusalem will be returned [to the Palestinians], clean of settlements and settlers," the paper states.

Uh...yeah....that ain't gonna happen. No one will ever clear all the Jews out of Jerusalem.... so I guess Fatah just declared an eternal war.

Read article here;

Let's remember that Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran. So why do the Muslim extremists have such an un-natural hunger for this city? It can only be that Satan desires this city because God calls it the "apple of His eye." What God claims for His own...Satan will attempt to corrupt, plunder, destroy and possess.

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