
Friday, August 7, 2009

Military Option On Iran

Yes,....we would prefer to talk, drink tea, exchange handshakes and then head home and keep living the American Dream.

But what if the foreign leader is a power hungry guy with small-man's Kim Jong Il and President Ahmadinejad? What if they don't want to shake hands and cooperate with our desires? What if they don't give a rat's a-- about Obama and his messiah-like charisma?

It's happening exactly that way in North Korea and Iran. How long do we talk before we realize that the military option has to be pulled out?

Today in the Wall Street Journal, General Wald, a retired 4 star general discusses just such a thing.

If such pressure fails to impress Iranian leadership, the U.S. Navy could move to blockade Iranian ports. A blockade—which is an act of war—would effectively cut off Iran’s gasoline imports, which constitute about one-third of its consumption. Especially in the aftermath of post-election protests, the Iranian leadership must worry about the economic dislocations and political impact of such action.

Should these measures not compel Tehran to reverse course on its nuclear program, and only after all other diplomatic avenues and economic pressures have been exhausted, the U.S. military is capable of launching a devastating attack on Iranian nuclear and military facilities.

Many policy makers and journalists dismiss the military option on the basis of a false sense of futility. They assume that the U.S. military is already overstretched, that we lack adequate intelligence about the location of covert nuclear sites, and that known sites are too heavily fortified.

Such assumptions are false.

Read full article here;

One has to admit that it's a tad encouraging to hear a 4 star general saying that we could go to Iran and devastate them.....if the tea and handshakes fail, of course.

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