
Friday, August 7, 2009

Fatah is Moderate?

Let's reveiw Palestinian politics. Fatah is the party that was elected in the general election a few years ago and they legally are supposed to be in power over all Palestinian territories including Gaza and The West Bank. And yes, Mahmoud Abbas is the President of Fatah and the man they currently have dressed up in a suit to visit with all of us Westerners. Fatah is supposed to be the more moderate of the two Palestinian parties...the other one being Hamas.

Let's also remember that Hamas and Fatah came to blows in the Gaza strip back in 2008 and started killing each other as Hamas overthrew Fatah and executed any Fatah members they could find. These actions, and hundreds of other examples, always fulfills the prophecy of Genesis 16:12, "He (descendants of Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."

Now let's catch up to today; Fatah has just had a major meeting in Bethlehem. (of all places) This is the first meeting of it's kind in 20 years.

Eyewitnesses told The Jerusalem Post that at least two delegates, Tawfik Tirawi and Husam Khader, were beaten by security officers for allegedly disrupting the discussions.

Scenes of chaos erupted when the 2,200 delegates attending the conference learned that the Fatah leadership was not planning to present them with a detailed report about the faction's financial, administrative and political performance over the past 20 years.

Sounds like it could be similar to a soon coming scene in our own U.S. congress. :>

Anyway, the Fatah meeting did produce some unity. They all agreed to put Israel under requirements that they know Israel could never meet.

Fatah delegates meeting here Thursday resolved not to renew peace negotiations with Israel until all Palestinian prisoners are released from Israeli jails, all settlement-building is frozen and the Gaza blockade is lifted.

Let me translate and paraphrase what Fatah resolved; "No peace with you Jews until you let loose every Palestinian terrorist and criminal that you have in your jail, you have to quit building houses...meaning you can't have any more baby-Jews, and you have to tear down the Gaza wall so we can better target all your Jew-towns with our missiles and more easily carry out suicide bombings in Israel. If you do all of this...THEN we will talk to you about peace."

And Obama says...."You Jews better listen up and start working with these moderate people. Otherwise, you are no friend of ours!"

And God says..."I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you."

Read this telling article here;

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