
Friday, August 7, 2009

France Sank Middle East Peace

Below I will post an outstanding article written in the Jerusalem Post on how France threw a fly in the ointment of middle-east peace following WWI.

The Jews and Arabs at that time really didn't have a problem. In fact read this quote from King Faisal;

Faisal's petition also stated: "In Palestine, the enormous majority of the people are Arabs. The Jews are very close to the Arabs in blood, and there is no conflict of character between the races. In principles, we are absolutely at one."

Can you imagine if some Arab-Muslim king said that Jews and Arabs were close in blood today?? He would be hauled out and butchered. And this quote is 90 years old.

It sure appears as if Satan had his hand in these territorial talks some 90 years ago. Furthermore, if you want to begin to understand how and why many Muslims refer to the U.S. as "The Great Satan"'s important that you understand this piece of history....and why the Arabs refer to the year 1920, as the "Year of Catastrophe".

THREE INTERTWINED evils - the infidel European Allies, the infidel Zionists and the black substance the West craved - became conflated in the Arab mind to create one great Satan. Indeed, these three evils would galvanize the Arab consciousness for virtually the next century. For the first time in centuries, the Arabs stopped fighting each other. Sunni and Shi'a, tribal enemies squabbling over wells, those of the desert and those of the city, the intellectual and the peasant, they could all unite under one Islamic banner, because this was Am al-Nakba, the Year of the Catastrophe. Forevermore, 1920 would be a black year in the collective Arabic consciousness.

Read full article here;

Hat tip to Julie E. for this outstanding article. I sure hope Obama, Mitchell and Rahm Emanuel will read it.

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