
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quick Check on the Aliens

In the past, we have kept an eye out for what some of the "alien" websites are saying. As you know, we believe that any "aliens" out there traveling in "spaceships" are not actually from distant galaxies...but are actually the "fallen angels" who are playing out Lucifer's deceptive plans for planet earth. And yes, the frequency of their appearances are growing all over the world.

On one site I will post below, it is interesting that the Raelian Movement is using biblical words or phrases to add to the credibility of the deception. First off, notice that they use the Hebrew word, "Elohim" to refer to these highly advanced life forms that they claim are responsible for human life on earth. The word "Elohim" is used in the book of Genesis right at the very beginning.

Now check out this;

That embassy would become the Third Temple as predicted in the ancient scriptures. According to specifications provided by the Elohim, it must be built in a neutral location that has been granted rights of extraterritoriality and guaranteed neutral air space. Providing such an embassy and obtaining the necessary guarantees for the rights of its occupants will prove that humanity is ready for an official meeting with its creators.

Amazing!! Now they are saying that a Third Temple needs to be built!! And they are saying that the Third Temple was predicted in ancient scriptures.... Those of us who are Temple watchers know that the Jews are building momentum to build their own Third Temple in Jerusalem. Could Satan be planning on misquoting the bible to lure in biblically ignorant people? Of course we all know that Satan has done this exact thing in the past...most famously when he tempted Christ in the desert.

Visit the link here;

Matthew 24:24-25 "For false Christs and the false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time."

Is it possible that Jesus was warning us that fallen angels would appear out of the sky with whirling saucers capable of doing un-earthly things (great signs and miracles) in an attempt to deceive even the people who are indwelt with the Holy Spirit??

I will say it again.....DECEPTION IS GROWING!

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