
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Obama's Jews

In the past we have posted some thoughts from a Jew in Jerusalem who owns a jewelry shop. His name is Moshe (that translates to Moses, I think) We were introduced to him three years ago while on a trip to the Holy Land. In his latest newsletter, he makes some very disturbing statements about Obama. According to him, it's rare to find any Jews in Israel that are pro-Obama. I will post his comments below and bold letter some of the more amazing observations.

Moshe Kempinski
I read with great sadness the recent article in the Jerusalem Post by Marc Stanley called "The chutzpah of Obama's Jewish critics" ( ). The sadness came from the reading the almost delusional subtext of the seemingly factual article. It seemed to be the frantic writing of a man who deep down knows how wrong he is but will do everything and say anything to avoid that awareness.

It would be important to understand that the writer of the article, Marc Stanley is the chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council .The NJDC has worked on the national level to help turn out Jewish voters in the election campaigns for the benefit of the Democratic Party. Their work involved getting out voter participation and providing voter education. Most importantly their work involved dispelling what they termed the “smear campaigns" launched by the opponents of Democratic candidates for office at every level. None of this makes what Stanly is saying as wrong but it does offer important perspective. Yet the sadness remains.

He begins with a dramatic statement" US President Barack Obama and his administration are making an unprecedented effort to reach out to the Jewish community. "
In light of the recent sad effort of Obama of inviting representing representatives of the Jewish community into his office but yet avoiding all the groups who would disagree with his policies, one would wonder about the validity of such a statement.
Stanley then displays a confusing amazement at the following statements of members of the administration he is so committed to promote. He is referring to the statements that came as a result of Israel and the Jewish community expressing concern regarding Iran’s murderous intentions. We hear how “the president has spoken of the "unbreakable" bond we share with Israel. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons "futile,"" Mr. Stanley it is difficult to understand your enthusiasm for such statements and how one is to find comfort in them.

In fact those supposedly dramatic statements have not served the allay the fears of members of the American Jewish leadership. Allan Drershowitz wrote "Many American supporters of Israel who voted for Barack Obama now suspect they may have been victims of a bait and switch. Jewish Americans voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Obama over John McCain in part because the Obama campaign went to great lengths to assure these voters that a President Obama would be supportive of Israel. This despite his friendships with rabidly anti-Israel characters like Rev. Jeremiah Wright and historian Rashid Khalidi."

Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, wrote "President Obama's strongest supporters among Jewish leaders are deeply troubled by his recent Middle East initiatives, and some are questioning what he really believes."

More importantly while Obama popularity is soaring in all those countries that saw themselves as enemies of America, President Obama has succeeded is reaching unprecedented lows in the popularity polls in Israel. A June poll found that just 6% of Israelis called him “pro-Israel,” In Israel Obama is no ally or friend .Though these Israelis are not potential voters they represent the people who will be most in danger due to the US president reckless approach of Carrot and stick( carrot to the world and stick it to Israel)

The most pathetic statement was found in the following delicious quote;

"NO ONE can credibly claim Obama and his administration are not talking to Israel. The reality is the administration is not only talking with Israelis, it is intensely collaborating and communicating with it- in person. In fact, Obama spoke with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu face-to-face about settlement growth."

Recently a representative of a major international news network remarked to me that the air in the room during the Netanayahi Obama meeting was not only oppressive and sour was poisonous. Yet Stanley is determined to be moved and excited that " Obama spoke with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu face-to-face about settlement growth"

Then Marc Stanley makes his scariest statement
"This administration has made an unprecedented effort to engage this community "

He is right but the word is not engage but rather enrage, or entrap and coerce.

Let's remember that Israel is God's bride. And as we prepare to treat her poorly and betray her to her enemies....the wrath and anger of God will be kindled. Yes, God will deal personally with each and every one of us on salvation issues, but the nations of the world will be judged bases on how they have treated the Jews and the Nation of Israel.

Many of us believe that (as U.S. citizens) is now time to fasten your seat belts. The ride may soon get extremely bumpy.

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