
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Psalm 83 Coming?

Let's remember that Psalm 83 tells us that a day is coming when the enemies of Israel will be laid low and put to shame. The enemies that it names are currently poised on the borders of modern-day of them being southern Lebanon. We know currently that Hezbollah has amassed it's fighters and 40,000 rockets on the northern border of Israel. (Thank you United Nations peace keepers for doing such a fine job of policing that area over the last 3 years) And things could go to red-hot in a heartbeat.

Brigadier-General Alon Friedman, the deputy head of the Israeli Northern Command, told The Times from his headquarters overlooking the Israeli-Lebanese border that the peace of the past three years could “explode at any minute”.

Let's further remember that Hezbollah is funded by Iran.

Hezbollah’s rearming is in the name of resistance against Israel. The real reason, however, probably has more to do with its ally Iran. If Israel carries out its threat to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, the main retaliation is likely to come from Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Read full article here;

If Israel starts taking hits from Iran, Hamas in Gaza, Syria (Damascus) and Hezbollah in Lebanon...they may decide to put 3 of the 4 threats on permanent silence...which would go a long way towards fulfilling Psalm 83.

The Word of God never returns void.

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