
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Frustrating the Wise Men

Al Gore has to be upset. After all, he has been pumping global warming for a long time. He has the media on his side and lots of scientists as well. This is turning into BIG BUSINESS as the congress discusses "cap and trade" in their ill-founded attempt to regulate the climate. So it must be very upsetting to Al's plans that his home town of Atlanta just broke it's record for a low temperature in July...a record that had stood for 122 years.

I can about hear him praying now, "Come on Mother Nature!! You need to cooperate with us!! We are so close to saving you from yourself...don't go and tease the ignorant folks with record lows! Just keep it hot and dry for a few more years....please!!"

Marc Morano with says all across America, record low temperatures have been broken throughout the summer. He blames that on a recent trend of global cooling that has been in place for more than seven years.

Read short article here;

The bible tells us that God will frustrate our wise men and confound our intelligent men....and that sure appears to be coming true in our present day.

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