
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time to Wake Up

Most all of you readers know that Israel is a sign that we are in the Last Days. And as the days grow really short...the focus will specifically target Jerusalem. It's simply so illogical that the world can be so concerned about Jerusalem...which has no seaport, no easy access, no major commodities, scarce water and old infrastructure...yet the world's eyes are on that city...that it must be a supernatural interest. Obama has even named a special envoy to be in charge of Jerusalem-U.S. relations. Amazing!

The article I will post below is by a prophecy buff named Brad Renollet...and his comments so resonated with me that I had to post them. Furthermore, it's Holy Spirit-therapy for me to understand that other Watcher's are seeing things exactly as I am seeing them. To God be the glory!

I recently talked to a few churches and youth groups about signs of the times and how close we are to the return of Jesus Christ for his church. As the day draws closer for His return, I am more and more compelled to get work done for the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior as we all should be. But in speaking to fellow Christians and churches, my heart is increasingly burdened that many don’t realize one particular sign that none of us should miss: the nation of Israel. And all we have to do is know a little bit of history and watch the nightly news.

I have recieved many of the same blank looks whenever I talk of Israel, Jews, Temples and Jerusalem. Even Christians who have been in the church for 50 years look at me like I am reading from a different bible.

Mr. Renollet ends his article with these comments;
Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father, interceding constantly for us…and He looks forward to one day soon coming back to get his bride, the church. Don’t be caught without oil in your lamp, but stand watch and be ready. The Word of God says that while we don’t know the day or the hour, we WILL know when the season is upon us. And that season is NOW.

Read full commentary here;

"I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled," says Jesus.

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