
Friday, September 11, 2009

Dang It Russia!

Iran already knows that they have no fear of a U.S. led-Western military incursion into their nuclear aspirations. The liberal think says, "Why use bombs when talking and logical reasoning will suffice?" So when talking doesn't work...then what? Liberal think has an answer for that as well....sanctions.

What's a sanction? That's when you get all the major countries to agree to not sell certain things to a targeted country. For instance, Saddam Hussein in Iraq had sanctions imposed on his country from 1991 up until we invaded...and it didn't do anything to stop him from drinking vodka, eating fish eggs and putting a hefty sum in Swiss bank accounts....but it sure hurt all the little guys who were tyring to run businesses and keep hospitals supplied.

Anyway...back to Iran. Obama said that he was disappointed with Iran's leadership because they weren't bargaining correctly regarding their nukes. So just in the last few days he said they would have to look at tougher sanctions. Now here's the problem headline;


Dang it Russia! What won't you do what Obama says? Don't you know he is the most charismatic president that we've ever had? Don't you know that he is about the nicest guy with the cutest wife and darlingest kids we have ever seen? Don't you know that he has a plan to save the world...and that includes you??

Read article here;

No need to remind any of you any more that Russia and Iran will lead the list of a Last Days coalition who will have eyes for destroying Israel. And that coalition just keeps on strengthening.

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