
Friday, September 11, 2009

Wake Up!

Radical Islam wants to take over the world and replace freedom with Shariah law. How? Sometimes through military conquest, but most of the time by demographic conquest. What's that mean?....they will have 5 kids per family and raise those kids as Muslims while the couples in The West will have about 1 child per family. Do the math and you can see that in 30 yrs....the world has a Muslim majority.

“If I had to sum up my message to the Americans in two words, I would say: Wake up.” – Bernard Lewis, renowned British-American historian at Princeton University who specializes in the history of Islam and the interaction between Islam and the West.

Islamicism is like cancer; you either defeat it or it will defeat you... The real war is not against a bunch of terrorists, but rather of the values of democracy and freedom against the values of barbarism.”– Dr. Tawfiq Hamid, a former Islamic-Egyptian extremist who has come to recognize the threat of radical Islam and the need for reformation.

‘Islam is coming to America the same way Christianity came to Rome... whether they like it or not. We talk about the Islamic State of North America by 2050... The people of Hamas and Hizbullah are good people; they don’t deserve condemnation, they do good things.” - Imam Abdul Musa of Washington, D.C.

“The battleground is that of ideas and ideologies, but the West hasn’t even woken up to the fact that this battleground exists.” – Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail columnist and author of Londonistan.

On the backdrop of a scene of a mother who proudly sent off three of her sons on suicide missions and said she would be willing to sacrifice even 100 of her children: “When you have Muslims who are willing to kill their own children and wrap a bomb around them, what prevents them from killing my children? Or from killing millions of children of other people?” - Manda Zand Ervin, Founder and President of Alliance of Iranian Women

Read article here;

Jesus said, "You are either for me or against me." Obviously the Muslims are not for they are enemies of Christ...and Christ told us to pray FOR our enemies. So please remember to pray for these deceived people. Time is short.

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