
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Follow Up to Man vs. God

Yesterday we posted a WSJ article that had two opinions about was supposedly from a Christian, named Karen Armstrong and one was from a world-famous atheist named Richard Dawkins. The posting title was, "Holy Crap".

What interested me the most was Dawkins talk of mankind someday worshiping aliens, but I also was well aware that Karen Armstrong seemed more about being "spiritual" and less about believing the Word of God.

That being said, many people came to the same conclusion that this WSJ article wasn't a debate between a Christian and and atheist....but really a discussion by two atheists.

The Wall Street Journal may be an unusual venue for theological debate, but this past weekend's edition featured just that -- a theological debate of sorts. The "of sorts" is a necessary qualifier in this instance, because The Wall Street Journal's debate was not, as advertised, a debate between an atheist and a believer. Instead, it was a debate between two different species of atheists.

Read full article here;

Hat tip to Guy B.

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