
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Israeli Attack by December

Yes, we posted "Huge Rumors of War" yesterday which hilighted a WSJ article saying that Obama may be pushing Israel into a corner where they will be forced to attack Iran...certainly by Spring of 2010.

Today the news is in the Jerusalem Post saying that an attack of Iran may have to come by December of 2009.

"We cannot live under the shadow of an Iran with nuclear weapons," he was quoted as telling Reuters in an interview on a visit to the UK. "By the end of the year, if there is no agreement on crippling sanctions aimed at this regime, we will have no choice."

Sneh reportedly stressed that a military strike would be "the very, very last resort. But ironically it is our best friends and allies who are pushing us into a corner where we would have no option but to do it."

Sneh reportedly explained that Jerusalem could not accept a nuclear-armed Iran because government processes would be "substantially distorted," as the cabinet's decision making would be hostage to the fear of Teheran's nuclear retaliation.

See article here;

As we have said in the past, the Iranians invented the game of chess....and their is no doubt that Satan is positioned behind their belief in the 12th Imam's imminent if the world does nothing to stop Iran, they have us in "Check"....and if Israel attacks Iran and turns world opinion against the Jews and creates untold chaos...Iran has us in "Check".

So what would be considered "Check-mate" to the Iranian leaders and Satan??....maybe a Shahab missile armed with a nuclear warhead ready to explode over Tel Aviv and destroy the nation of Israel once and for all.

And the Jews say, "Never again!"

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