
Sunday, September 27, 2009

He Put the Bomb Where?

Only Satan could think of this one.

It's being reported that a suicide bomber that recently tried to blow up a Saudi prince must have put the bomb up his bum.

Honestly, I know this is VERY serious development because if one guy did it, that means others will follow. And just imagine how long it will make the airport security lines if we all have to submit to rectal searches. Maybe it's late...but one has to at least smile at one element of this story.

But there, once he got next to his target, the bomb inside him was detonated.

Miraculously the prince survived with minor injuries, but footage emerging this week shows a sizeable crater in the concrete floor and the bomber's body blown in half.

It is believed the force of the blast went downwards which is why only the bomber died.

You can smile here...because his bum was pointed downwards...that's where the force was directed.

Read it here;

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