
Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Iran Attack Plan

Front and center in the news's Israel.

Iran's acknowledgment that it is developing a second uranium-enrichment facility does little to dispel the view that the regime is developing a weapons program. Israel must consider not just whether to proceed with a strike against Iran—but how.

Did you notice that the author didn't say, "The West must consider...." It appears that Israel is going to have to figure out how to defend the world....and probably all by themselves.

Any strike that overflew Arab territory or attacked a fellow Islamic state would stir the ire of neighboring Arab states, as well as Russia, China and several European states.

Did you notice that the author said that an Iranian attack might make Russia mad? Again, we aren't saying this is going to be Ezekiel's war of chapter 38, but it is VERY prophetic that the stage is being further set for this Last Day's war.

This might not stop Israel. Hardly a week goes by without another warning from senior Israeli officials that a military strike is possible, and that Israel cannot tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran, even though no nation has indicated it would support such action.

Yes, this is true. We posted an article a few weeks ago from the Jerusalem Post quoting an ex-official saying that Israel will need to attack before December. So we have more rumors of war regarding Israel....just as Jesus said there would be in Matthew 24.

Read it here;

Friends, as Joel Rosenberg said in Epicenter, these rumblings in the middle east WILL change our lives. Are we clinging to the firm foundation of Jesus Christ as the world gets ready to rumble?

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