
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Late, Great Planet Earth

Most are familiar with the book by this title. It was written and made popular by Hal Lindsey and exposed millions to God's prophecy back in the 1970's. Today many of you probably watch Hal's weekly TV show on Christian channels...if you have cable TV.

Last Friday I received his email update about what was coming up on The Hal Lindsey Show. I will post most of it below and I will emphasize some things with bold;

On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report," I'll continue my discussion of "The End Of The World As We Know It." Last week, I examined the sense of foreboding that people are feeling. Even non-believers feel that major changes are coming, that something cataclysmic is about to happen. Many have studied the predictions of seers such as Nostradamus and Saint Malachy or ancient civilizations like the Mayans or the Egyptians. Hollywood has capitalized on this uneasiness for years with an entire genre of films that focus on TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It). The latest obsession is with the year 2012.

This week, I'll answer some of the questions that many of you have about the timing and order of events leading up to the Rapture of the Church, then to that time of terrible tribulation on the earth. We'll discuss which prophecies, if any, remain to be fulfilled before these events can occur. We'll also look at the Age of Grace. What is it and when will it end? We'll discuss exactly what will trigger the end of this current Age. That moment is known only to the Father. Even Jesus in his human nature said He didn't know the hour or the day of that event. This Age began with a mystery and a miracle and will end with a mystery and a miracle.

I believe we live in the most exciting time in history. And maybe one of the scariest! That's why it's urgent that you make certain your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your co-workers have received the gift of pardon that Jesus makes available to them. The events I discuss this week could happen at any moment, even today. You do not want them to be on this earth after the Body of Christ departs!

Amen to that!! Make sure everyone around you has had a chance to hear the Good News. And NO!...regardless of what you believe, it is not the responsibility of your local church to spread the Gospel. Jesus Christ gave EVERY BELIEVER the commandment to go and make disciples.

"The Harvest if ripe but the workers are few"....says Jesus.

"It will go well for those servants found working when the Master returns"...says Jesus

What has Jesus called YOU to do? Are you doing it?

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