
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Peace and Safety

As we watch the coalition build with the named players mentioned in Ezekiel 38....there is one unclear aspect to this prophecy and it's soon fulfillment;

Ezekiel 38:8
After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.

The passage first off mentions, " will be called to arms". The "you" in this passage is the earlier mentioned coalition of Russia, Iran, Libya, Turkey and others.

The rest is referring to Israel which HAS been gathered from many nations after 2000 years. Brought back to it's promised land that was made desolate by 2000 years of Arab-Muslim abuse...and is now flourishing because of Jewish ingenuity and God's blessing.

But what about the, "...and now all of them live in safety". Are they living in safety when you and I can read articles everyday about Syria, Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, etc..... all of whom would love to vaporize Israel? That doesn't seem to be close to being fulfilled! Or is it??

Despite the recent streak of violent incidents throughout the country, Jewish Israelis' sense of security is on the rise.

Almost all of those surveyed - 85% - rely on the IDF to defend Israel and its citizens in the face of an attack by Arab states.

Read Jerusalem Post article here;

Did you catch that?..."Almost all of those surveyed..." believe they will be defended by the Israeli army.

So does the Ezekiel passage refer to the belief of the individual Jews dwelling in Israel?? Or does it refer to the hard facts on the ground which currently seem far from "safe".

Remember that some watchers believe that the fulfillment of Psalm 83 will bring about the "safe" conditions necessary to fulfill Ezekiel 38.

Also remember that all Pre-tribulation prophecy watchers believe that the Rapture of the church will PRECEDE Ezekiel's war of chapter 38. So if we can see the players of Ezekiel 38...are we daily watching and praying for Christ himself to call us into the sky??

Hat tip to Mike S.

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