
Friday, September 25, 2009

Line In the Sand

The breaking news today is that Iran has another nuclear facility....and Obama, the UK and France are all publicly releasing this information at the G20 (20 largest economies) conference in Pittsburgh.

The reports say the plant isn't a huge one but may still produce enough nuclear junk to cook 1 or 2 bombs per year.

OK....newsflash....Israel can't allow Iran to have even one nuke, since even one set off on Tel Aviv would be THE END of the Jewish state....and that ain't gonna happen.

PITTSBURGH — President Barack Obama and the leaders of France and Britain declared Friday that the revelation of a previously secret Iranian nuclear facility puts heavy new pressure on Tehran to quickly disclose all its nuclear efforts — including any moves toward weapons development — "or be held accountable."

A defiant Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad retorted that his nation was keeping nothing from international inspectors and needn't "inform Mr. Obama's administration of every facility that we have."

You can read article here;

I also heard on the radio that Gordon Brown said that it was now time for a "line in the sand to be drawn for Iran." I have to admit that the talk sounds good because we all know that if Iran crosses that line....SERIOUS consequences could ensue.

HOWEVER...since The West has NO STOMACH for bloodshed....Iran will probably look at North Korea and see what happened to them when THEY DID cross that line and detonated a nuclear bomb.

What happened you ask?....nothing, except The West gave them $4 billion dollars of blackmail money....and 12 months later they blew up another nuke and asked for more money.

When will we learn that certain elements of the human race ONLY understand one language?...the language of force through violence.

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