
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Shiite and Sunni

Shiite and Sunni were probably not even in our collective vocabulary 10 years ago. Today, as we read the newspaper and try to understand the politics of Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and a whole host of Islamic countries, it is pertinent that we have at least a base level of understanding of Shiite and Sunni.

I hear people say, "Those Muslims are going to team up and take over the world!" If you hear that, remember one important thing....there are many Muslims right now saying, "Those Jews and Christians are going to team up and take over the world!" The point being...we don't understand the different shadowing of Islam any more than Islam understands that a Bible-believing-Baptist has almost NOTHING in common with a Save-the earth-Methodist.....yet both refer to themselves as, "Christians".

With that being said, Chuck Missler has a short and simplified explanation of Sunni and Shiite that may help to at least get us on the path to understanding.

Read it here;

I will say that history will show that Sunni and Shiite both seem to share a common denominator of intensely disliking Israel and/or Jews. This is one thing that they seem to agree on and will even cooperate on.

To me, this is simply more evidence that Islam was inspired by Satan.

1 comment:

  1. Good, simple explanation of the difference between these two Islam belief platforms, and something to bookmark for later!
